Monday, July 13, 2009

~Training: Emotional Intelligence for Teamwork Training~

Hi everyone.

Last Friday and Saturday (10th and 11th July), 13 participants attend to Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training at PLO 18..5 of the participants were from RND Department members(Farah, KC Liu,LW Chang, KY Poong and CK Tong) .. From that training all the information was very useful to us as an employee who is needed to adapt with working environment.

During the First Day, all participants can:-

1) Understand perception and its effect in working life. Perception is more like interpretation someone to others.

2) Develop self-awareness of one’s individual blind spots and suitable times for appropriate self- disclosure

3) Identify their emotional orientation with the LEONARD Personality Inventory. In this section, all participants know which categories person they are, It base on the Personality Test that already completed by participants before attend the training. In this test, there are 5 main category of personality- Openness; Neutral; Analytical; Relational and Decisive.

During the Second Day, all participants learn:-

1) Give constructive feedback. During this slot, we learn on best way we can give criticism and the best way we accept that criticism.
2) Practice TENT therapy
3) Emotionally excellent teamwork and leadership.
4) Stress management techniques

What we can summarize:-

1) This training can help us to develop self awareness for better interpersonal relationships

2) Can identify ourselves with the corporate mission

3) Learn to identify and develop emotional competencies such as resilience, creativity, intentionality and interpersonal connections

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